Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Let the Training Commence - I'm Getting Bored.

The answer to our last fire exam question - 'the kitchen'.  Well, DUH.  Of COURSE most household fires start in the kitchen.

I hope you and your families had the merriest of holiday seasons this year.  I got my Wii Fit Plus (woot woot) and I am SO ready to start my physical training next week.  Unsure at this point if I'll be able to complete the strength training portion without the aid of the local gym - golly gee, but all those machines sure do make it simpler  - but I figure I can get a 3-month membership, if push comes to shove.  I'm going to start out here at the house for now.

I also ate.  A lot.  I mean, I really, really ate a lot.  And I ate MEAT.  A lot of meat.  Ham, bacon cheeseburgers topped with a fried egg (OMG, why didn't anyone ever tell me how effin good that tastes), chicken and dumplings.  And then there's the rum cake, the candy, the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, the banana bread...ugh.  Seriously, by last night, I really just wanted to get my stomach pumped.

I still might.

And I talked to my friends at the Bank today, who told me that I can get a car loan at a really low interest rate.  You should know that I am genetically predisposed to trading my car in every 2 years, and it's been 2 1/2.  I'm flirting with disaster here, and might possibly cause an inadvertent genetic mutation if I don't trade soon.  Actually I think I could cut my car payment and my gas bill significantly if I traded down from the familymobile to a car...red, of course.  We shall see. 

I find myself getting antsy - I need to get moving on my training.  My bff Mike isn't doing any training, and there aren't any fire house events for me to crash this time of year.  So I'm going to dive head-first into my physical training ASAP.

Who's with me? 

(crickets chirping)

Today's exam question:

Considering how closely buildings were spaced together, the kind of materials used in their construction, and the inadequacy of firefighting equipment in the late 1800's and early 1900's, it is not hard to understand why "conflagrations" were not uncommon.  "Conflagrations"most nearly means:

a.  Firefighter strikes
b.  Out-of-control fires
c.  Fire-related medical disabilities
d.  Firefighter fatalities

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Is You Is or Is You Ain't?

Let me end the suspense - the type of saw you use to cut through a tenon joint is a BACK SAW.  Kudos to those of you who chose the correct answer (which was letter "a", by the way) and boo on those of you who just guessed "c" because that's what you did back in school.

Well, I was just thinking today, I haven't been called any nasty names or otherwise verbally abused here on the Internet in, well, MONTHS now, so what the heck, I might as well stick my foot in it.  Feel free - and in fact, PLEASE - leave your comments below on this topic.  I know it's all sorts of fun to put them on my facebook page, but then tens of people around the world will miss out on your witticisms, and we just can't have that, now can we.

Today's topic - "exclusive" relationships.

Here's what I think, my little chickens.   Until a man says to you that he wants to date you, and only you, and asks that you consider not dating anyone else either - YOU ARE NOT EXCLUSIVE.  And when I use the phrase "says to you," I mean with actual WORDS that come PHYSICALLY from his MOUTH.  I don't mean "gestures," "looks," or "sex."  I mean it has to be stated or it just isn't actually true.  And I don't care if it's been 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years, baby.

There have been a few times where I assumed that I was in a fantastic relationship - and guess what - I was there all.by.myself.  Turns out each time, the guy wasn't living under that same assumption.  Bummer, huh.

So what do you do if you aren't exclusive?  Well, I'm going to leave that to your comfort level.  I just think that there's no reason why you can't see/talk to/go out with other people if you aren't exclusive.  (Personally, I'm a texter.  I just can't help it.)  If you want to shag them all, well, that's up to you - but darling, you probably shouldn't play with your heart like that.  And you'll also probably get chlamydia.  And it's really embarrassing to be over 25 and have to get treated for an STD, or so I would imagine. 


Anyway, you might be wondering how to address this, should one of your Mr. Rights take issue with your active social calendar.  If he does it aggressively, in a fashion that indicates he's hurt by a perceived infidelity, you can calmly and serenely explain to him that you had no idea he wanted to be exclusive - but you would be open to the discussion (assuming, of course, that you are).  Volley that shit right back at him and see what he does.

However, if he gets all passive on you, and makes comments about "all those other guys who you hang out with", meet his gaze directly, smile a little smile, and say - "well, then, take me off the market."  He will either proceed to do just that, or backtrack so fast the ocean tides might temporarily alter their courses. 

Either way, the exclusive card is officially on the table.  Mr. Right now has to step up and either claim you or let you continue on your merry way.  You maintain your feminine energy, he gets to be all masculine, and all is well with the world.

Thus endeth the lesson.  No need to thank me, dearest.  Your siren sex goddess lives to serve.

Okay, your turn.  Fire away. 

And today's fire exam question (which is a 'duh' question, in my opinion):

In what room of the home is a fire most likely to start?

a.  Kitchen
b.  Garage
c.  Living Room
d.  Bedroom

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holy Stair Climb, HF!

It's official...I'm going to live.  Your concern for my well-being has been overwhelming, and I extend my heartfelt thanks.  I do look a little pale and peaked, but on a positive note, I dropped a few pounds and so I look a little skinnier today.  Always look on the sunny side of life, babe.

So, tonight I was talking to HF.  If you don't know who HF is, well, you didn't read last year's blog, and so, well...never mind.  Suffice it to say that he's a firefighter and that's all you need to know now.  And if you DID read last year's blog, don't judge me.  Geesh, it's just TALKING, people.

ANYHOW, I was talking to HF tonight, and he off-handedly mentioned that he went up 84 flights of stairs today in full gear.  As you can imagine, my interest was piqued.  As I'm picturing HF rushing into a burning, collapsing, rat-infested decrepit old building, carrying out blind widows and orphans on his broad shoulders, he told me that he's in training for the Scott Stair Climb in Seattle.  Okay, doesn't quite play into my fantasy so much, but still interesting enough to blog about.

(You may recall that we will be there, too, as volunteers - no stairclimbing or gear-wearing necessary for us civvies.  THANK DAWG.  I just have to look cute and hand out water bottles.)

Well, it turns out that he and his posse are training 4 times a week from now until March, 84 flights, sometimes in gear, sometimes not.  This got me to thinking, when was the last time I walked up more than a single flight of stairs?  Um...thinking....um.....

Nope.  It's not coming to me.  Okay, and before you get all self-righteous on me, dearest reader - when was the last time YOU did???  HMMM????????????

This brings us to the fire exam portion of our show...today's question:

What kind of handsaw is used specifically to cut tenon joints?
a.  Back saw
b.  Coping saw
c.  Hacksaw
d.  Saber saw

(Googling the term "tenon joint" is cheating.)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Goddess is Sick.

Good evening, my little chickens.  The answer to our last fire exam question:  A.  And to determine that answer, we must invoke the Pythagorean theorem, which if I recall correctly from my days as a Brewster Bear, has something to do with math.

The writing is on the wall - when I get to the math section of this exam - I'm dead meat.

How was your day, you ask? Well, I will tell you.  I was SUPPOSED to go to the Riverside Volunteer Fire Department today, where I was SUPPOSED to see Santa, meet some firemen, and take my picture on a firetruck.  INSTEAD, I went grocery shopping, came home, and threw up.  I'm sick, sick, sick.  What with it being so close to Christmas and all, I didn't think that Santa would appreciate my germs being spread all over him, so I stayed home.

Last night, however - last night was nice.  I got to see Sherlock Holmes 2, which I've been waiting 2 years for - readers of my 2010 blog would certainly know already.  I took my daughter, and beforehand we went to DQ for dinner.  I figured a Siren Sex Goddess deserves one animal product-filled evening per week, so I had a bacon cheeseburger, fries, a malt - then at the theater, about a cup of popcorn, a half a box of Whoppers, and a Cherry Coke. 

Good manners prevents me from describing in detail the effect that this "meal" had upon my digestive system.  Suffice it to say I was bloaty and farty for a good 12 hours.  You know what?  It was so NOT worth it.  I think I'm actually moving past this whole "craving meat" thing.  But as our eating plan's author, The Mighty Rip, can probably attest, it is really challenging to eat fast food as a vegan.  REEEEALLY challenging.

Okay.  Gotta go throw up again.  Enjoy your evening....no exam question for now.  My brain hurts.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Smackdown at Fire School

Let's start off with -the answer to our last fire exam question is...wait for it...   C. 

(The reason you had to wait for it is because it's been so many days since I asked the question, I forgot which flashcard it was on and I had to do a little digging.  Sorry.)

Anyhow, I'm really getting off on the academic stuff.  I'm getting excited to start my studying and training and so forth.  How sick is that.  I can't help it, I love to learn new stuff.  The fact that I will never use it matters not.  

I especially want to go to some live training with my new bff Mike. You see, as a young siren tyke, I was the teacher's pet-ALWAYS.  If any other student showed potential for encroaching on my turf, I initiated a systematic academic takedown which usually resulted in at least one small child crying.  And that small child was NEVER me.  Does it show?  I'm anxious to take down a few firemen.


But I digress.  I bet you are really curious as to how things have been going with me, what with me having this little "quiet time" since Tuesday.  Well, Big Development #1 - my FaceBook status now says I'm "in a relationship."  Yup.  Me and TG.  Go figure.  I know it's pretty 5th grade to even show a relationship status, but it was the most passive way I could come up with to let a select group of gentlemen know that I'm no longer on the market.  And TG didn't freak out and change his phone number or anything, so I guess he's okay with it.

Big Development #2 - I've decided that I can't forever substitute this netbook for a real laptop and am earnestly (sort of) shopping around for a good deal.  I guess if ALL you want to do is surf the net, this little impostor will meet your needs - but I have a blog and my iTunes account to think of, for Dawg's sake. 

Today's question - it involves math, I warn you - (on flashcard 273 so I can find the answer easier):

How much guywire would be required to support a ham radio antenna if the collar to which the guywire is connected is 23 feet off the ground and the anchor turnbuckles are evenly spaced 15 feet away from its base?  (Allow an extra 8 inches for fastening the ends of each of the four wires)
a.  112.52 feet
b.  107.5 feet
c.  101.92 feet
d.  95.78 feet

Good luck, we are all counting on you.  Personally, I'm off to make some Vegan pudding.  Yes, really.  Kat needs something sweet.

ps - what's a "guywire"?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Triumph and Tragedy

I've had a flash of brilliance.

So as you may or may not remember, our firefighter workout program starts on January 1st.  I have a weight-training program but have been undecided on the cardio part.  I did say, in my intro to this blog, that I was going to do a couch-to-5k program for cardio...but I just said that so my post would be complete.  I didn't actually MEAN it.  I mean, seriously.  Who wants to friggin' JOG when it's 20 degrees outside?  Not Kat.

Anyhow, Christmas is coming, and I always end up with some cash from my parents.  My oldest son has a Wii that's sitting in a box (actually, he has 2, for some strange reason) so I'm thinking I can use my 'Christmas present' money to buy Wii Fit Plus!!   Excited?  Can't you just IMAGINE the opportunities for ultra-embarrassing blog posts, inspired by my complete lack of physical coordination and a boxing video game?

(This is where I need to insert a little note to Mom and Dad - if you were thinking about NOT giving me cash this year, that's okay.  I will appreciate whatever you give me.  Don't let the pressure of ruining my blog and disappointing my entire readership influence your gift-giving decisions in any way.)

And on the heels of brilliance, we find tragedy.  My laptop died on Saturday.  I mean, like, DIED.  It won't even turn on.  So I'm typing this blog post on my oldest son's netbook (which was in the same box as the Wii) and have declared said netbook to be his Christmas present to his dear mother.  He didn't put up much of an argument.  What sucks is, all the pictures I had on my laptop are gone - which hurt my heart a little, all I had left of a few old boyfriends just bit the dust - and I can't quite figure out what I'm going to do about my iTunes account.  This netbook is usable...but SLOW.

I almost forgot to tell you the answer to last post's firefighter exam question - it was 37.5.  You know, people, that was a pretty easy one.  If you got it wrong, we need to discuss your math skills.

Today's question:

Which of the buildings described below offers the least resistance to fire progression?
a.  a four-story townhouse with an elevator and enclosed stairwells.
b.  a four-story condominium with a centrally located enclosed stairwell.
c.  a four-story hotel with an elevator and a centrally located open staircase.
d.  a four-story apartment house with two elevators and enclosed stairwells.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Pig, a Frog and a Red Devil

I have news.

So, earlier this week I Googled "Fire Training Eastern Washington" and came across Red Devil Training which is based in the Spokane area.  I emailed the "info" address, explained our little project, and a rather charming firefighter named Mike emailed me back.  He has granted us an open-ended invitation to attend various training sessions in 2012. Oh, and I friended Mike on FaceBook, so we are firefighting bff's now.  I need to wait a few months before I take Mike up on his training offer though-until I've had some study time-so I can impress him with my wicked Fire Wench skills.

Speaking of study, here's today's question:

"The loss of water pressure in a hose can be attributed to friction.  If it is known that the friction loss in 100 feet of 1 1/2 inch hose is 25 pounds per square inch, what will be the friction loss for 150 feet of 1 1/2 hose, assuming all other factors remain constant?
a.  16.67 psi
b.  37.5 psi
c.  47.3 psi
d.  52 psi

Dude, I TOLD YOU there was math. 

On another front:  TG came up last night and we went to The Muppets.  Yes, we went to that movie on purpose.  I love The Muppets, he loves The Muppets; we were both happy.  We also went out to dinner, where a friend and blog reader totally busted me for eating a chicken sandwich.  I know, I know. But people, it was DATE NIGHT.  I'm back on the wagon today. Repeat after me:  "Fire Fighting Siren Sex Goddesses do NOT eat anything with a face or a mother (except on Date Night)."

My biggest regret was not that I fell off the wagon, but that I wasted it on a CHICKEN SANDWICH instead of a steak. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

'Eating Plan' vs. 'Dieting'

Okay, folks, the correct answer to our Fire Exam question in the last post is "C".  If you got it right, well, congratulations to you.  If you get 3 right in a row, that's called a "streak."  If you got it wrong - don't sweat it, it's early in the game. 

You know what's strange about being on an "eating plan"?  I'll tell you.  I forget that I'm not DIETING.  You know how it is, right?  You decide to lose some weight, so you restrict certain foods from your diet (like, oh, everything that tastes good) and you lose weight.  However, as a Siren Sex Goddess/Firefighter in Training, I'm not actually TRYING to lose weight.  I'm just modifying my eating to maximize my health and turn myself into an super-charged Fire Wench.  I forget that I can actually eat a Mazda full of spinach or any other 'qualifying food' if I so choose...such is the life of an American woman.  It's all about the DIET.

Okay, so I'm not saying that dropping 10 pounds or so would be tragic.  I'm not exactly an Ethopian marathon runner.   But it's not like I have to shop in special stores or something.  And I could give you a rather short, yet prestigious, list of men who think I'm pretty rockin' hot.

Where are we going with this? HMMMMM...good question.  Suffice it to say that my mind is conflicted as to exactly what my mouth is trying to do with this whole plant-eating thing.

So, get this - this Friday TG and I are going to the Muppet movie, and I'm so excited, I can hardly wait.  Is it Friday yet?  How about now?  How about now?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fire Destroying Powers - ACTIVATE!

And away....we....GO!

So, today we have sworn off all animal products and basically anything white - sugar, flour, all that jazz.  We are in training, after all, our bodies being morphed into fire-destroying machines even as we speak.

I won't give you a daily rundown of what I eat-seriously, are you that desperate for reading material? - but since it's Day 1, I figured I'd give you an idea of what I'm consuming now.

The Engine 2 Diet, as interpreted by the Siren Sex Goddess:


Gah, I have to eat BREAKFAST???!!!!  I detest eating in the morning!!!  Ugh.  Determined to turn over a new leaf, I started my day with an English muffin, smeared with a small amount of peanut butter, and a banana. 

Engine 2 says-approved, thank you very much.


Spinach - coconut milk yogurt - orange juice-frozen mango -banana smoothie.  Before you get all gaggy on me, don't knock it until you try it.  It was really frickin' yummy.  The hard part is getting all the blended spinach fragments out of your teeth before you have to go back to work.

Engine 2 says - pretty much approved; Rip probably wouldn't be so jazzed about the added sugar in the yogurt.  It's Day 1, don't judge me.


Old-fashioned oatmeal with soy milk and the teensiest bit of sugar on it.

FINE (rolling eyes) - and 2 Oreos that I ate while I was cooking said oatmeal.  Geesh, people, I was starving and it was the kind you have to cook for like 7 minutes to get it thick enough.

Engine 2 says - added sugar, boo hiss.  The Oreos - baby, they were totally worth it.

But you know what, my little chickens?  For day 1 of my firefighter training regime, I think I did pretty awesome.

To close, I thought I'd run one of my test prep questions by you.  Think you know the answer to this one? 

In your judgment, what is the best reason for fire hoses to be removed and reloaded on an apparatus at least once every 30 days?

a.  Hose tends to get brittle with little use.
b.  Water trapped within a hose after use can stagnate and deteriorate the lining.
c.  It reduces the possibility of bends becoming permanently set at certain points on the hoseline.
d.  It is just another menial job to keep firefighters constantly busy.

Well?  I'm waiting.....and no, I didn't make "d" up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Will Learn Too, Grasshopper.

I ran across this highly educational video on the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation's Facebook page.  I'm pretty sure there's a section on "turkey fryers" on the FDNY exam, so I have committed this information to memory and am sharing it with you as well.

Of course, if you all were following the Engine 2 Diet, you wouldn't have to worry about starting a turkey fire to begin with.

My work here is done.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Friendly Reminder from the Siren Sex Goddess

As a firefighter in training, it's my civic duty to remind you, my readership, that you were supposed to change the batteries in your smoke detectors last weekend when the time changed.

Just like I did.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Have a Plan.

As December 1st approaches full barrel, like Chaz Bono at the Dancing With the Stars after-party buffet, I thought I'd clue you all in on our itinerary.

Our Goals: 

1.     To reveal to my audience the facets of the firefighter "lifestyle" through research, methodical study, and dating a lot of firemen.  (Okay, the last part is more "wishful thinking" than "goal", but a girl can dream.)
2.     To spotlight the fire stations of Washington, particularly eastern Washington, by attending as many fire department-related events as I can, and blogging about them.
3.     To pass the FDNY firefighter written examination, and complete a physical training program which would enable me to pass the physical examination, by the end of 2012. (I can't take the actual physical exam; it involves too much equipment that I don't have access to.  And I don't want to fall off a ladder and die.)
4.     To survive the year with no herniated disks, broken ankles, or other injury as might be sustained by a 42-year old sloth attempting this endeavor.  I'll leave it to you to decide if I'm referring to the "dating" part or the "exercise" part here.

Our attack is 4-prong:  Nutrition, Exercise, Academic and Events.

Prong 1 - Nutrition.  I will start the "Engine 2 Diet" on December 1st, which is basically a vegan-ish diet written by firefighter Rip Esselstyn.  It is widely known that all firefighters eat a plant-based diet.  ~cough~

Okay, seriously...what fun would it be if I just decided to "eat healthy"?  Work with me here, people.  My physical pain is your humorous blog post gain. We are going PLANT STRONG, to quote the Mighty Rip.

Prong 2 - Exercise.  On January 1st, I will start the "Get Firefighter Fit" workout plan by Kevin S. Malley and David K. Spierer.  More details on that later, but it's basically a free-weight workout plan where you pretend like you are doing fire-related activities.  I've also got the FDNY physical preparation guidelines which we will be tromping through.  We will also be doing a Couch to 5k running plan, utilizing the mini-trampoline for the snow months. 

Prong 3 - Academic.  I have 3 separate exam prep books.  I anticipate spending 2 or maybe 3 months on each book, but that might change once I get started....Anyhow, that starts February 1st.

There is MATH involved.  Nobody mentioned that to me upfront, by the way.

Prong 4 - Events.  Well, this one is going to be a little more off the cuff, because volunteer fire departments in rural eastern Washington don't usually give you 4 months' notice that they are having an open house.  I'll be scouring the internet, particularly during the summer months, for community celebrations, etc to attend.  I'll be volunteering at the Scott Stairclimb in Seattle in March, which is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  And if I win the lottery, in September I'll go to New York for the opening of the 9/11 museum and the Tunnel to Towers run. 

And somewhere in all this, I have to find a man.  Note that I list this right after "win the lottery."  Hmmmm.

So there you have it, dearest reader.  My year, in a nutshell.  Fasten your seatbelts and keep your laptop battery charged.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Launch Date is a Fluid Thing, Really.

I've decided to move the launch date up to December 1st...because it's my blog and I can!  Plus, Mr. Amazon.com has teamed up with the US Postal Service and delivered all these nifty packages, so I've got all my materials just staring me in the face...all those books and calendars and schedules and plans and flashcards....it's almost more than I can bear.

This also means that I don't have to come up with a December project for my other blog.  Win-win!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Featured House: Spokane Fire Department Station #2

Okay, when I said this blog was launching on January 1st, I didn't realize that I would be in Spokane on the weekend of an open house at a fire station.  However, FaceBook informed me that I would be - and you know I'm not passing up the opportunity to hang out with a bunch of firefighters, especially on a day when it's not really cold outside and my hair looks good.

So the Spokane Fire Department Station 2 on North Foothills Drive is the very first "featured house" of our new blog.  For all of you fire houses to follow, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have some big shoes to fill.  These guys were awesome and I felt like a rock star. I would have to say my favorite part was when they actually let me drive the pumper/ladder truck down Foothills Drive with the sirens wailing.

Okay, they didn't really let me do that.  But then again, I didn't ask. 

I was put into the very capable hands of Lt. Wisniewski, who gave me the station tour and answered my questions.  (Poor guy.) 

(Scene:  Tina and Lt. W standing in front of this truck)

Lt. W:  This is our pumper/ladder truck.  Do you know what it's for?

Tina:  Why yes, I do.  You see, I watch "Rescue Me", so I know that you use this truck to access flaming upper-story apartment windows, where people fling small children out to be caught by Tommy Gavin and hauled to safety.

Lt. W:  Uh, yeah.

I think he was really super-impressed that I got it right.

They didn't let me try any of this stuff on.  But then again, I didn't ask.

Turns out that Station 2 has a Water Rescue Unit:

And I'm saying that the only thing hotter than a guy that's willing to yank your sorry, oxygen-deprived panicky ass out of a burning building is one that's willing to yank your sorry, oxygen-deprived panicky ass out of the Spokane River.  Seriously.

You know what I love about the Spokane Fire Department?  I'll tell you what I love about the Spokane Fire Department.  They have NO AGE LIMIT for their new hires, unlike some other fire departments which shall remain nameless. (cough FDNY cough.) 

(Scene:  still standing in front of the pumper/ladder)

Tina:  Did you know that you can't test for FDNY if you are over 29?

Lt W:  Yes, I think I remember hearing that.  We don't have an age limit.

Tina:  Well, I was going to test for FDNY this year, but believe it or not, I'm over 29.

(crickets chirping)

Lt W:  Don't you also have to live in New York?

Tina:  Minor detail.

It just occurred to me that Lt. W didn't immediately run into the fire hall and get me some sort of academy application.  Must have slipped his mind.

So I got to see some pretty spectacular pics from the SFD slideshow:

And got my hands on a few stats.  Turns out that Engine 2 was out of service for several years due to budget cuts, and was put back in service on July 25, 2011.  Since then, Engine 2 has responded to 49 structure fires.  Yeah.  FORTY NINE in 3 months.  Here in the boonies, we call that a DECADE of responses, not a QUARTER. 

Go Engine 2.  You rock.  And hello, Mayor/Council of Spokane - you mothball the big, shiny fire truck when you want to save some dough?  That was your BEST idea?

So, here's one final shot of Station 2 - oh, and me.  Thanks for letting me crash your party, gentlemen. 

Spokane Fire Department - Fire Incidents
Incidents 2006 2005 2004 2003
Alarm System - Two Apparatus 1,489 1,337 1,425 1,422
Structure Fire - Single Engine 891 827 783 785
Service Call - Single Engine 349 382 416 342
Structure Fire - Full Response 334 353 345 334
Alarm System - Single Engine 367 343 361 344
Vehicle Fire - Single Engine 229 252 243 236
Hazmat - Investigation 257 208 234 291
Brush/Wildland - Single Response 128 94 92 108
Refuse/Trash/Dumpster Fire 82 73 82 72
Structure Fire - Working Fire 55 72 55 84
Brush/Wildland - Medium Response 39 54 38 77
Brush/Wildland - Low Response 48 46 59 38
Brush/Wildland - High Response 56 43 21 67
Hazmat - Full Response 41 31 37 34
Extrication - Full Response 22 20 26 36
Marine Rescue 19 12 7 12
Investigation 8 8 4 6
Tech Rescue 3 5 2 3
Hazmat - Team Response 4 1 4 4
Brush/Wildland - Extreme Response 14 0 8 6
CISD 0 0 1 2
Total Fire Call Incidents 4,435 4,161 4,243 4,303